Jual Total Station Trimble M1 DR2 Baru di Makassar

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Ditambahkan 19:20
Kategori Alat Survey Makassar total station
Harga TOTAL STATION TRIMBLE M1 DR 2 REFLECTORLESS ( Made by Nikon - Trimble Japan sama dengan Nikon NPL 322  ) Distance Measurement  with s...
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Review Jual Total Station Trimble M1 DR2 Baru di Makassar

( Made by Nikon - Trimble Japan sama dengan Nikon NPL 322  )

Distance Measurement 
with single prism 6.25cm : 3.000m
Reflectorless Mode : 400m
Accuracy : (2+2 ppm D) mm

Angle Measurement
Accuracy (horizontal and vertical) : 2"/0.6 mgon
Reading system : Photoelectric detection by incremental encoder
Circle diameter : 88 mm (3.46 in)
Minimum increment (Degree) : Degree: 1/5/10"

Tube length : 125 mm (4.9 in)
Image : Erect
Magnification : 30
Effective diameter of objective : 45 mm
EDM diameter : 50 mm (1.97 in)
Field of view : 120'
Resolving power : 3"
Minimum focusing distance : 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
Laser Pointer : Coaxial Red Light

Type : Single-axis
Method : Liquid-electric detection
Compensation range : 3'
Setting accuracy : 1"

Communication ports : 1 x serial (RS-232C)
Wireless communications : Integrated Bluetooth
Raw and coordinate data formats : Nikon, SDR2x, SDR33

Removable Liion battery
Output voltage : 3.8 V DC
Operating time : approx. 11 hours (distance/ angle measurementevery 30 seconds)
approx. 22 hours (continuous angle measurement)
Charging time : 4 hours

Display: 2": Both sides, backlit, graphic LCD (128 64 pixel;)
Point memory : 10,000 records
Dimensions (W x D x H) : 168 mm x 173 mm x 355 mm
Weight : 5kg

Ambient temperature range : 20 C to +50 C (4 F to +122 F)
Atmospheric correction
Temperature range : 40 C to +60 C (40 F to +140 F)
IP Protection : IP54

Brosur PDF Total Station Trimble M1

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Kami Juga Menjual Produk Alat Survey seperti :
- Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, GPSMAP, GPS Geodetic, Compass, Clinometer, Tandem, Merk Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Ruide, South, Garmin, Brunton, Leica

- Accesories : Prisma Polygon, Prisma Single, Pole Stick Prisma, Alumunium Tripod, Rambu Ukur, Palu Geologi Etswing, Distance Laser Meter, Fishfinder, Rangefinder, Flagging Tape, Diagonal Eyepiece, Meteran Stilon, Tajima, Meteran Digital, Radio HT Icom, dll.

Kami Juga Melayani : Sewa, Service dan Kalibrasi 
- Jasa Kalibrasi Alat Ukur, Alat Survey Pemetaan TS / Total Station, Manual / Digital Theodolite, Waterpass, Automatic Level di kerjakan langsung oleh ahlinya dan Sudah bersertifikat kalibarsi dengan harga yang sangat Terjangkau Murah, Cepat dan Akurat, lama pengerjaan 1-2 hari di kerjakan langsung di Makassar.

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